I’m hoping to find a publisher for my new manuscript just finished last week while on vacation. What I discovered again was I do love writing and telling stories that have had an impact on my life.  Here is a preview of the manuscript…



By Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D.“Mother of Coaching” 


John is the son I never had.  I met him several years ago after my office received a message from him: “Your book, If Life is a Game These Are the Rules, saved my life!”  I had to respond.


We began our conversations via SKYPE, my preferred mode of communicating since much of the time I’m in Thailand. I have enjoyed coaching him ever since.  I have been witness to his transformation, appreciated his story, and his immense love of people!  And I have coached him to the point where I know he is committed to his vision to transform the world.  Rev. John has dedicated so much of his time and energy to changing lives that I have been compelled to support his vision and to connect with him on a personal level.  I too have dedicated the last 42 years of my life writing, teaching, speaking, coaching and mentoring thousands of souls!


John’s book is simple to read and easy on the spirit.  To exercise what he lays out takes time, practice, and persistence.  I encourage you to read his book until his teachings seep into the depths of your being.  Also, consider joining him in his quest to transform our planet. There are many of us who know that our destiny as humans is greater than our present reality.


I’ve been in the coaching field since 1974 and I’ve seen how professional coaching transforms lives.  I am excited that John has dedicated his life to making an impact wherever he is called.  I believe he is uniquely equipped with the stories, tools, and lessons, learned in life and through my method of coaching, that I have no doubt he will continue having a significant impact on the world.  I am eager to share his dream and enjoy the adventure with him!


Learn your lessons!

Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott, Ph.D. MCC

The MMS Institute




 Why You Should Read This Book


In this book you will find a compilation of some of the most important teachings I have learned and experienced over the last 46 years. It has led me to a fulfilling and rewarding life of service; a life led by compassion, empathy and love.  I know what joy, compassion and contentment feel like.  I have created for myself a practical and spiritual way of living that, if understood and practiced in your own way, can lead you toward living the life you were meant to live—a purpose-filled life that opens new pathways for you and all in your sphere of influence.


Wisdom is found all around us if we are open to receiving her.  She comes in the voice of people we know and do not know.  She comes when we feel the wind blow or hear the thunder roll.  She comes when we experience synchronicities or serendipitous moments; when we see children play, when we are on vacation with our family or a loved-one, or even when we hit rock-bottom.  Wisdom comes from various places as we experience life; and her still small voice brings the understanding we need for that particular time, place and circumstance.  Those gems are not always warm-fuzzy insights.  They are often hard lessons to prepare us for the road ahead.  Wisdom’s gems remind us that we have free-will to choose the path(s) we follow in life.  She repeats to us that we do indeed have a purpose in life but we must seek it out to find it; that we are important as special and unique manifestations of the ONE, made to do, be and live much fuller lives if we heed life’s lessons.


For thousands of years, the world’s religions have played a major role in allowing wisdom’s message to be imparted.  Billions claim a particular faith tradition as their own.  Within each religion, whether it is Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Islam or Christianity, there are universal teachings about who we are as people in relation to God, nature and all reality; that we are in fact higher-consciousness beings made to experience many lives in extraordinary ways.


In that light, the words in this book are inspired by the great faiths of our world past and present.  What you are about to read are interfaith teachings given as a pathway for you to manifest your greatness in life.  Each chapter in my book is dedicated to not just facilitate your mental and spiritual growth but to also share with you a religious lesson from the past that will inform your present and future.   My hope is that you will see that many of the world’s great faiths share many truths that you can immediately apply to your life.


I do understand if you are cynical about religion; that you see religion as something that has conspired or worked against humanity for millennia.  You have a point.  But upon further inspection, it has not been a particular faith that has caused hurt and disgrace to so many in our world, rather it has been the misuse of religion by individuals past and present that has caused so much turmoil.  Religion in its proper context is beautiful and changes lives!  This book is not a comprehensive analysis on what is right and wrong with religion, rather this book attempts to simply bring together, to synthesize many ancient and modern ideas and teachings to reveal to you that YOU WERE MADE FOR SO MUCH MORE!


Hope you liked my preview.  More to come soon.  Until then, light and love.


Rev. John