Given the social and political climate in our country, UUCA continues to be proactive in protecting our congregation and making sure we all have a safe and meaningful Sunday experience.  In this light, recently, the UUCA Sunday Physical Security Team walked our campus and made some recommendations to the ministers for your physical safety on Sunday mornings.  We have implemented these small changes which have largely gone unnoticed but we do want to make you aware of what they are and that more changes will be forthcoming.

  1. On Sundays, the side doors will be unlocked by 9:00 am and locked by 10:15 am each Sunday.  If you are late, we advise that you use the back, bottom entrance, or back deck entrance.
  2. There is only one door open at all times on Sundays which is the back upper deck entrance–our main entrance while construction continues.  All doors are open from the inside.
  3. Window shades have been installed in several rooms downstairs for added security, thanks to Margaret Martin (thank you). Make sure to pull them down after sessions.
  4. David Hartless, our Sexton, will be checking doors regularly to make sure they are locked and secured.  We recommend that adults, children, and youth practice making sure doors are completely closed when they go in and outside
  5. We have 5 Ring security cameras strategically located to monitor our grounds.
Thank you for your help!

Rev. John & The Sunday Physical Security Team

David Hartless
Jen Larson
Julia Tower
Peter Morse
Roberto Garza
Sean McConnon
Stafford Warren
Tyler Storey
Vanessa Curtis