UUCA Church Year Kick-Off




As summer is drawing to a close, UUCA is gearing up for another fantastic church year! Like the school year, our church year starts in September, so this is a great time to jump in and get involved.

Save the dates for these upcoming events:

August 20 (9:30 am and 12:00 pm) – Summer Classes

Our Exploring UU and Pathway to Membership summer classes will be held this Sunday, August 20th. If you are interested in learning more about the church or want to become a member, join us!  Sign up soon. Spots are filling up! You can register here.

August 26 (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm) – High School Youth Group Kick-off

There will be games, intention setting, and designing of the Teen Room.

August 28 (after service) – Engage UUCA!

Our engagement/volunteer fair, Engage UUCA!, will be held on August 28th following service. This is a chance to chat with people about the different groups and service opportunities in the church. Plus if you have an idea for a church group that you’d like to get going, you can pitch your idea and see if other church members are interested!

September 4 (following service) – UUCA Mixer

Join us for an hour of intentional community building. This is a great opportunity to make new friends and have some really interesting conversations!

September 11 – Ingathering and Faith Formation Open House

Our annual Ingathering Service kicks off the new church year! This service includes the water communion, so bring a small bottle of water from your summer travels or your home.  We will also have the backpack blessing for our school-age congregants, so children and youth should bring their backpacks to church. Following service head downstairs to visit our spaces for our wonderful classes for our youth and children.

September 18 (during the meeting hour) – Faith Formation Classes for Children & Youth Begin

It’s going to be a wonderful new year, and we are so excited to share it with you!


We look forward to seeing you!


Laura Schrank

UUCA Membership Coordinator