UUCA Annual Pledge Drive Has Begun!

This past Sunday we began our Annual Pledge Drive to raise the money needed to fund our operations and aspirations. Our expressed goal is to raise $710,000. Pledges are made for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. When you make your pledge and help us reach our goal, be sure you hang a key on the tree in the sanctuary and get a sticker for your name tag. The Drive will last throughout March.

You should have received a letter with details about this drive including UUCA plans for our future and how to make your pledge. There are volunteers who will make personal visits. If you would like to talk with one of these volunteers, email Evelyn Spurgin at mes@hbdlaw.com.

Please be as thoughtful and generous as possible as you consider what to pledge.

Click here to view the stewardship page with more details.