Introducing the UUCA 8th Principle Implementation Committee 

We are excited to share that the UUCA 8th Principle Implementation Committee composed of Angelique Berry, Latica Hicks, Olga Pabon, Soren Byrd, Jennifer Pollitt Hill, Candi Wanhatalo, Mike Wanhatalo, and Jeanne Jehl is established and moving forward. The goals of this committee are as follows:

  • CREATE actions to demonstrate 8th Principle with guidance from Widening the Circle of Concern: The Report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change (COIC) and the UUCA People of Color Report
  • INITIATE ways of integrating the 8th principle into our day to day life and congregational activities
  • NURTURE community where people of all races, ethnicities, and cultures see their cultural identities reflected and affirmed in every aspect of congregational life – worship, fellowship, leadership, governance, religious education, social justice, etc.

There are six ambitious goals set for Phase I of the implementation plan taking place between now and September 2022. We need your insights and experience to help us work toward goal number three:

BUILDING ON FOUNDATIONS Acknowledge, highlight, and learn from UUCA’s historical racial justice work and acknowledge the work of predecessor groups and committees.

Have you participated in a UUCA racial justice-focused group, task force, conference, or committee either past or present? We need your wisdom! When you participated in these groups, what went well? What could be better? Do you have a history of accomplishments, an archive of documents, pictures, news, and participants? Please share them. We want to acknowledge these contributions and build upon your valuable work that carried us to the present.

If you would like to share, please contact us at If you prefer to have a short phone or zoom conversation, reach out and we will arrange a time to listen. If you missed the Congregational Meeting, here is the presentation: Congregational meeting presentation