UU Legislative Ministry News:

March 10, 2021


We have seen how gun violence affects all of us, we have witnessed first-hand how the effects of one event ripple out into the community. We say that victims and their family deserve our “thoughts and prayers.” However, when firearms are the cause of their suffering, we should take steps to prevent this harm, where possible.

— Jan Bird, UULM-MD Gun Violence Prevention Co-Chair and UUCA Member

UULM-MD is supporting two Gun Violence Prevention Bills, that are currently sitting in the Judiciary: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Committees/Details?cmte=jud&activeTab=divLegislation and Judicial Proceedings Committee: https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Committees/Details?cmte=jpr&activeTab=divLegislation. If you have a representative on either committee,  please take a moment and email them and ask them to bring HB 200 / SB 479 Jaelynn’s Law and HB 638 / SB 624 Untraceable Firearms to a vote.

If you don’t have a representative on those committees, we need your support on Social Media — Please share your support or your experience, (whatever you feel comfortable with) and tag UUCA and/or UULM-MD. Thank you.

Here are the targeted action links:

Jaelynn’s Law: 

Delegates: https://uulmmd.salsalabs.org/352021JaelynnsLaw

Senate: https://uulmmd.salsalabs.org/3-5-2021-jaelynnslawjpr


Ghost Guns:

Delegates: https://uulmmd.salsalabs.org/352021GhostGuns

Senator: https://uulmmd.salsalabs.org/352021ghostgunsjpr