UU Legislative Ministry Climate News:

April 14, 2021

This is the end of the last full week of the 2021 Session of the Maryland General Assembly. The final day “Sine Die” ends on Monday, Apr 12 at 12;00 AM.

The Climate Solutions Now Act (SB 414) appears to be a political football and the fate of the bill is in the balance.

The Transportation Safety and Investment Act (HB 114) has passed the General Assembly and is on the Governor’s desk! Hooray!

The Utility Regulation – Consideration of Labor and Climate Act (SB 83 / HB 298) has passed the General Assembly and is on the Governor’s desk! Hooray!

The Plastic Bag Reduction Act (HB 314) has passed the House. The bill is in the Senate Finance Committee. Hopefully, it will get on a voting list soon.

The Community Choice Energy – Pilot Act (HB 768) has passed the General Assembly and is on the Governor’s desk! Hooray!

The Sustainable Buildings Act (Bird Safe Building) (HB 236) passed in the House and is in the Education, Health, and Environmental Committee in the Senate. Hopefully, it will get on a voting list soon.

In other bills of interest:

The Forest Mitigation Banks – Qualified Conservation (HB 991) is on Third Reader in the Senate after passing in the House.

The Low-Impact Landscaping bill (HB0332) has passed The General Assembly and is on the Governor’s desk.

The Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainable Communities – Reform Bill (HB 1207) has passed both the Senate and the House and is being reviewed in the House.

There is a lot of activity around the Zero-Emission Bus Transition Act (HB 334 / SB 137) which may progress. Some of the provisions in the Climate Solutions Now Act may end up in the bill.


Phil Webster
Chair, Climate Change Task Force