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UU Legislative Ministry Climate News:

April 6, 2021


The Climate Solutions Now Act (SB 414) which passed the Senate was heard in the Environment and Transportation Committee in the House. Numerous amendments were added to the bill that “almost gutted the bill” according to Senator Pensky, the Senate sponsor in this Maryland Matters report. The bill has yet to clear the Economic Matters Committee. Assuming that the bill makes it to the House floor and passes, then a House/Senate Conference will meet and reconcile to a single bill that will have to be passed by both Chambers.

In an opinion piece in today’s Maryland Matters by the co-leads Maryland Legislative Coalition, Climate Justice Wing, strongly support the Senate version of the Climate Solutions Now Act. Stay tuned! There may be other twists and turns before this is over.

And now for the good news!

The Transportation Safety and Investment Act (HB 114) has passed both Chambers, in slightly different versions. The House and Senate are expected to reconcile the differences and each Chamber must approve that version.

The Utility Regulation – Consideration of Labor and Climate Act (SB 83 / HB 298) has passed both Chambers and is on the Governor’s desk. This act requires the Public Service Commission to consider the impact of any decision on either Labor or Climate.

The Plastic Bag Reduction Act (HB 314) has passed the House. The cross-filed Senate Bill (SB 223) is still in Committee. There has been no action.

There has been no movement on the Community Choice Energy – Pilot Act (HB 768) passed in the House and is now onto the Senate. This bill will allow Montgomery County aggregate electrical requirements county-wide and negotiate with suppliers for low-cost clean electricity.

The Sustainable Buildings Act (Bird Safe Building) (HB 236) passed in the House and was heard in the Senate committee this week.