We have a new, streamlined membership process! For those new to the UU faith, there will be two classes required prior to membership: Exploring UU and Pathway to Membership. These minister-facilitated classes will be relaxed, conversational, and centered around participant questions. So join us and ask away! 

In Exploring UU, participants will take a dive into Unitarian Universalism— history, theology, sources, people, polity, national work and wherever curiosity leads us. In Pathway to Membership, the group will focus on UUCA — who we are, and what our history, purpose and activities are. We also will explore what it means to be a member of this congregation. Directly following the Pathway to Membership session, participants who have completed both classes will have the option to become members. (Individuals who have previously been members of a UU church are only required to take Pathway to Membership.) Anyone who is interested in meeting new people and learning more about our faith and church is invited to participate, even if they aren’t considering membership at this time.

We are also offering a small cohort opportunity, Roots and Wings, designed to foster “roots” within our community and the familiarity to take flight living our mission and purpose. In these 5-weekly sessions, participants will collaborate to learn more deeply about our church governance, worship and spiritual practices, social justice and activism work, faith formation offerings, and how we care for and support each other as a community. While designed to help members integrate more fully into the church, this course is a wonderful opportunity for anyone who would like to become more involved and connected.  

So, save the dates for our upcoming classes!

Exploring UU

(For those curious about Unitarian Universalism who want to learn more.)

Register here for Exploring UU

March 2 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Hosted by Reverend John Crestwell

Via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/95188967495


Pathway to Membership 

(For those curious about UUCA and what it means to be a member. Those interested in membership who have also completed “Exploring UU” will have the opportunity to join following this session.)

Register here for Pathway to Membership

March 9th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Hosted by Reverend John Crestwell

Via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/95188967495

Membership Extravaganza! 

(A combined Exploring UU and Pathway to Membership workshop – Those interested in membership will have the opportunity to join following this session.)

Register here for the Membership Extravaganza!

April 23rd  9:30 am to 2:30 pm

Hosted by Reverend Anastassia Zinke

Via Zoom at https://zoom.us/j/95188967495

Please contact Laura Schrank, UUCA Membership Coordinator with any questions at lschrank@uuannapolis.org. 😊

If you are interested in attending these classes, but unable to participate at these times, don’t worry! We will be offering these classes on various days of the week and at different times throughout the year.

A huge thank you to all of our UUCA community that loved and supported the Inquirer’s series! While Exploring UU, Pathway to Membership, and Roots and Wings will replace the Inquirer’s series, it is our vision that these new classes will still contain all the great content and opportunity for connection that the Inquirer’s series offered. 

Questions? Please contact Laura Schrank, UUCA Membership Coordinator.