Paul Jorgensen, Founder of the Building Exploratory Expansion Committee (BEEC) and BEEC2 Steps Down

By Heather Millar, President





It is with extreme gratitude for his service, that we announce Paul Jorgensen is stepping down as chair of BEEC2. He has been the driving force for this huge effort to examine our building and parking needs, develop plans to address these needs, and begin the processes necessary to implement these plans. 

Paul has devoted his heart, soul, expertise, and time to improve our physical facilities with the first building project, BEEC, and now BEEC2. To say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! is woefully insufficient. Those of us who know Paul and have worked with him, understand that words cannot express our admiration for his talent and care, nor for our gratitude that he decided to share all he has to offer to benefit UUCA. 

Paul lovingly and with attention to detail spearheaded the building renovations of 2015 that resulted in the improvements to our Faith Formation and office spaces as well as the needed installations of the elevator and gender-neutral restroom. He championed the retrofitting of the lower level lighting fixtures with energy-efficient lights. Before that, he worked with Pete Peterson to research, coordinate, and supervise the installation of our geothermal system.

Paul has established a high bar for volunteerism with his insistence on the particulars of each phase of the process. A strength of his leadership is that he fostered collaboratively working with knowledgeable, dedicated people.

It is not surprising that it takes two to replace Paul. We are grateful that Jeanne Jehl and Craig Beyler have agreed to co-chair BEEC2 during this next phase. Jeanne and Craig bring knowledge, skill, and dedication to their commitment as leaders; they have been involved with BEEC2 from the beginning.

At the end of each email from Paul, he includes: “Pray that Love, Honesty, and Justice will Always Prevail.” Thank you, Paul, and may it be so.