Membership Classes

Membership Classes

Want to Learn More About Unitarian Universalism or  Interested in Becoming a Member of UUCA? At UUCA we offer two classes to help those new to our church get to know us better: Exploring UU and Pathway to Membership. These minister-facilitated sessions are relaxed,...
Offer Your Confessions Virtually

Offer Your Confessions Virtually

Dear Community, This Sunday, we will continue exploring the theme of “Pilgrimage” as we celebrate the Jewish High Holy days of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Why do we celebrate these days of awe? Every year, I...
UU Wellspring Launches at UUCA

UU Wellspring Launches at UUCA

UU Wellspring Launches at UUCA Are you seeking personal and communal transformation? Join UU Wellspring by registering now.  What is UU Wellspring? It is a 10-month spiritual deepening course for Unitarian Universalists, that is currently being used by our sibling UUs...