Staffing changes in Faith Formation

by Julie Burman, Director of Faith Formation

I am excited to share with you the staffing changes in Faith Formation;

Thank you and Farewell to Betsy

Betsy is resigning as the Faith Formation Assistant at the end of June. She will have joined the Faith Formation team 2 years ago, first on a 3-month contract to overhaul and reorganize our spaces and then as a long-term staff person. She continued on as she began to care deeply for the people and mission of UUCA. Her artistic, design, and organizational skills have transformed our Faith Formation areas and her authentic personality touched many of our youth, parents and children. Betsy has decided to transition into new work to better meet her current needs and goals but she will still be near (and hopefully will be back to visit us at UUCA!).

Please drop Betsy a note of appreciation and good wishes before she moves on (before Sunday, June 27) through this online Kudoboard.

UUCA wishes Betsy much joy and success as she moves on to her next adventure. Thank you for all you brought and gave to UUCA during your time with us.

Welcome Chloe

Chloe Thompson has joined our staff team as our new Faith Formation Assistant. Chloe originally interviewed for the Youth Coordinator position and went through several steps; first an interview with me, then a parent panel, and finally a meeting with the ministers and me. We all enthusiastically wanted to invite Chloe to join our team. Once I learned that Betsy was resigning, it felt like the best fit to ask Chloe to be the Assistant of UUCA’s Faith Formation program and she said yes!

Chloe is a practicing Unitarian Universalist, currently attending All Souls Church in Washington D.C. She is a tarot reader, yogi, amateur ukulele player, and loves to read spiritual books. Chloe graduated from Reed College, a small liberal arts school in Portland, Oregon, and has returned to Maryland. Welcome, Chloe!

Jillian, UUCA’s new High School Youth Coordinator

Jillian Amodio is an Annapolis-based mother of two with a passion for social justice initiatives and mental health awareness. She is the founder of Moms for Mental Health, an online support system for mental health resources and mental health reform initiatives. She is a writer and is currently completing a social work degree at Salisbury University.

We are so happy to have Jillian step into the Youth Coordinator role at UUCA. She has taught self-respect, confidence, and self-defense seminars to many teen groups, planned community events, and has organized for legislative change. She also has a background as a certified yoga and meditation teacher and has led many teen groups on mindfulness. Her passion for this work to serve and support our church’s youth was evident from the start.

In Faith,

Julie Burman