congregational conversation, congregational meeting

Preparations for Our

Congregational Annual Meeting

Heather Millar, President


Our Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, April 11, after the service. A Congregational Conversation is scheduled for this Sunday, April 4, during After-Hour to provide an additional opportunity for members to seek clarification about any of the items to be considered at the Congregational Meeting. A major issue to decide in April is whether or not we want to amend our Bylaws. The opportunity to discuss this extensively will be provided during Saturday’s Congregational Conversation. More information about this proposed amendment is also included on the UUCA website on two sliders: “Proposed Bylaw Amendment” and “Congregational Conversations and Congregational Annual Meeting.”

Please pre-register to attend the April Congregational Meeting by completing this form. This pre-registration enables staff to check-in members for the Congregational Meeting during the worship service and expedites the start of the meeting. 

The Nominating Committee is engaged in final preparations for the April meeting, developing their slate of officers to be considered and identifying this year’s Shining Lights to be recognized. There will be a special presentation by Building Beloved Community (BBC). We will also receive reports from the Building Expansion Exploratory Committee (BEEC2) and our ministers and an update on our operating budget.

These gatherings are important for us to come together as a community. Even though we continue to meet virtually, we need to stay engaged and listen to each other as we move FORWARD towards the beloved community we dream about. 

Congregational Annual Meeting

Via Zoom

April 11, 2021, 11:10 am to 12:55 pm

Pre-Register Here!


We are scheduling one more Congregational Conversation to provide an additional opportunity for members to seek clarification about any of the items to be considered at the Congregational Meeting. 

Meeting ID: 829 504 40003

Update of BEEC2 Phase 1 including construction progress and financing options

  • BBC Presentation
  • Reports
  • Proposed Bylaw Amendment
  • Election of President, Vice President, Board of Trustees At-Large, Nomination  Committee
  • Shining Lights

Proposed Bylaw Amendment:

Pat Fleeharty is proposing at the next Congregational Meeting, an amendment to the UUCA Bylaws, as part of “Section E – Vote” of “Bylaw V – Meetings,” which states, “Any decision or transaction, duly approved by a majority vote of the members present during a congregational meeting, can only be overturned or significantly modified by a vote of the members at a subsequent congregational meeting.”

At their meeting on March 23, 2021, the Board approved the following rules for the April Congregational Annual Meeting.

Rules to use for the April 11, 2021  meeting using Zoom:

  1. We want to work towards a consensus. We will not use Robert’s Rules. We will vote to make decisions official, but hopefully not until all or almost all understand the proposal and fully support it or at least do not have any new additional information to add.
  2. How to participate in discussions using Zoom on the internet: All will be on mute except for staff and the moderator. To be recognized, raise your Zoom hand, and staff will announce when it is your turn and unmute you for up to 1 minute. If you have a follow-up question or comment, you will be given up to an additional 30 seconds. No one should speak more than once until all who wish to speak have spoken and time remains.
  3. How to participate in discussions using a phone: Periodically during the discussion, the moderator will ask if you have comments or questions. Staff will unmute all on the phone and you will be given the opportunity to speak for up to 1 minute with an opportunity for up to 30 seconds for a follow-up question or comment.
  4. Technical issues on the internet: private chat ______ or text or call _____.
  5. Technical issues on the phone: text or call _____.
  6. Voting using Zoom: We will vote using the Zoom poll. Motions will be posted on the screen twice. Most members will vote the first time the motion is posted. One member using one device will vote as member A the first time the motion appears on the screen. If two members are using one device, one member will vote as member A the first time the motion appears on the screen and the other member will wait and vote as member B the second time the motion appears on the screen. Motions will be put in “yes, no or abstain” format.
  7. Voting by phone: Members on the phone have a choice to vote publicly or they may text or call _____ and give their name and yes, no or abstain. The name is so we can check eligibility to vote. Only the staff member who takes your text or call will know your name. Your name will not be communicated with your vote to the administrator who calculates the results of the vote.
  8. The amount of time scheduled is adhered to unless there is a motion to extend.
  9. In accordance with our Bylaws, no nominations from the floor will be accepted.
  10. We once again have aRight Relations Committee who will be available throughout the meeting for you to contact if you want to report something that makes you uncomfortable or that you feel should come to the attention of the Board or staff. Process, attitude or content that you feel should not be ignored are appropriate to report to them. Also, we welcome positive comments and feelings. Serving us again are Erin _____. To contact them text or call _____ or email at They will make a brief report at the end of the meeting.