Moving Forward, Part 4! – Final Installment

Heather Millar, President

This is the final installment of four articles reporting on what you said during our Congregational Conversation in February about Building Expansion Exploration Committee (BEEC2) Phase 1 plans and financing options. In previous articles, I have reported the main message we heard was to implement Phase 1 now and then I detailed ideas reported from each room. 

The Board took action during its February 23rd meeting to authorize financing up to $340,000 to complete BEEC2 Phase 1. Rev. John and Rev. Anastassia as our executives are working on the details and timing of assembling the necessary funds. 

Among the suggestions for financing is that members loan money to the church. Individuals can obtain a loan at a lower rate than an institution; therefore, if a few individuals are able and willing to do this, the cost of financing Phase 1 will be less than if we rely totally on a bank loan. This option is being pursued and two individuals have already stepped forward and committed $125,000!

As reported in previous articles, a concern expressed by many is about our operating budget. This is what keeps the church functioning. Anyone who considers giving money to the church for anything else needs to be aware of this priority. Those who are able to loan the church money or donate to the Capital Fund need to understand this top priority of fully funding our operating budget. All also need to know we will have a Capital Campaign in a few years when we replace the Fahs House. 

Here are some more quotations from the breakout rooms that are very specific about the project but do not fall into any previously reported category.

  • Usually, projects are more expensive than initial quotes;
  • “The choice of living in beloved community is to be spending more” on that community;
  • Request that since we would lose current bookstore, we set up a virtual one;
  • Wondered whether the septic system could handle the new shower etc. (the answer is yes, it’s been looked into);
  • Wondered whether the sprinkler system might decrease the cost of our insurance and by how much;
  • What to do with the Fah’s house;
  • Faith Formation rooms should be in Phase 2, before Fellowship Hall;
  • Has more questions than answers.

As this next series of quotations from the breakout rooms illustrate, some expressed ideas off the topic of the day but cared enough to share them; they need to know their thoughts have been heard.

  • Concern for the unknown given effect of Covid – what does the future look like?
  • Experience with outdoor coffee hour and group conversations; 
  • Mentioned that there is a dying tree near Fahs house that needs to come down; 
  • Previously had been worried about the garden, next to the front/side of the church, but now not so worried about it;
  • What the plans are for increasing membership so additional funds are available? 
  • The hybrid model of live and Zoom; 
  • Likes the idea of having us together in one service and is also curious to know what the whole community thinks about one service vs. two;
  • Zoom’s random breakout and small group ministry have helped deepen our ties; 
  • Advocated for the expansion of our faith, that we “are too damn small” and deserve to be larger in numbers in our UU community.

And finally, it is noteworthy that we heard support for, trust in, and thanks for the work that is being done.

  • A general sense that the experts (the Board and Finance Committee) will steer us to a good decision. Bravo!
  • There was confidence in the church leadership on this issue;
  • Supports the financial decision of the board;
  • Express deep thanks to those that did this work.

In closing, I want to thank those of you who have read this far; this shows a respect for your fellow travelers and a love for our church. Also THANK YOU to all who cared enough about UUCA to share your thoughts during our February 21st Congregational Conversation.