Hope: Relaxing Some COVID-practices


Because of the rapidly dropping COVID-positivity rate and because the Anne Arundel Medical Center has deactivated their crisis standards of care, we also will be shifting some of our COVID-related practices. Here are our practices for the month of February:

  • We will continue to require high-quality masks (KN95 or equivalent), which can be provided to you.
  • You will NO LONGER NEED A RESERVATION to attend worship in person. Seats will continue to be spaced, and seating capacity will be limited. When you arrive, the ushers will help you find the best available seat for you, and additional seats can be shifted or added as needed and as space allows.
  • We are modifying our stance on open doors and windows. The windows by our singers will remain open (with the shade down) and the narthex doors to the deck will remain open. The other windows and doors will be closed when the weather drops below 55. The sanctuary still be a little chilly, but hopefully more comfortable.
  • We will now close our services with one hymn that we are all invited to sing. If you feel uncomfortable being in the room during this, you will have the option of going to the narthex — where the open doors will provide lots of fresh air — or of leaving the building, before the hymn begins.
  • We will require everyone who is attending to be vaccinated (if age eligible).
  •  While not protocols that we can monitor, we also ask that you test yourself appropriately after any close contact with someone COVID-positive, and make choices that limit risk to those around you.

We will review these protocols again on March 1.

May you (and we) claim the spirit of Spring in the days ahead.

With you in my thoughts and heart,

Rev. Anastassia