
by Jane Carrigan




Greetings all.  I am so pleased to be elected the President of UUCA.  Our new Board is ready to get to work and build on the good work that previous Boards have initiated.  The new Board consists of Jenn Pollitt-Hill, Vice-president; Kari Alperovitz-Bischell, Financial Officer; Carrie Kotcho, Secretary; Peter Morse, Jan Bird and Stan Keeve, At-Large; and Linda Mundy, Nominating Committee Chair, (ex officio).  On behalf of the entire Board, I thank you for your support and assure you that your concerns are our concerns and each of us is just a phone call (or email) away.

As I write this I am on retreat with Rev. John and Rev. Anastassia. We are taking time out to plan an upcoming year, and the relationship of the Board, the Ministers, the BBC, and the congregation to each other.  This work, done intentionally and mindfully is designed to move our congregation towards the beloved community to which we all aspire.

As the new Board moves forward you will see that some things will change and some things will remain as they have been in the past.  I’d like to see the Board focus on strategic planning in coordination with the ministers and our ends statements.  My goal is to make more time for the Ministers to report and have the guidance of the Board.  I’d also like to see the BBC have a permanent place on the agenda such that BBC can use that time to report out, or teach, or discuss issues of concern.  Together the Board will decide if some work, traditionally left to accomplish in the monthly meetings can be addressed in the Executive Board meeting and later ratified by the Board.

I expect the new Board to retreat one Saturday in May or early June (TBD with Board input).  It is our fervent hope to be able to do this in person and we are working towards that goal.  I expect to invite the BBC membership to attend a portion of this meeting and hope that our fellowship will engender a renewed working relationship between the Board and BBC. 

SPECIAL REQUEST:  If you are attending or are considering attending the UUA’s General Assembly (GA), June 23-27, 2021, please let me know.  The GA is virtual this year and promises “exciting and interactive programming, invigorating worship and transformative business.” The 2021 Ware Lecture will feature Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade and promises to be a can’t miss event.  This virtual GA is the perfect way to get involved and re-energized in our faith.  We look forward to having you attend.  Remember, too, our youth are welcome with special events catering just to the younger population.  We are looking for members of UUCA to be delegates to the UUA. If you are attending you might consider being a Delegate from UUCA to GA and have your voice represent us at this national convention. 

So, expect to hear from me from time to time, and be sure to reach out if I can help in any way.  My email is: and my telephone number is 301-910-1916.