Exciting Times!

Heather Millar, President


These are exciting times at UUCA! We may be physically separated, but we remain lovingly connected and involved. I plan to revisit Sunday’s service that touched my inner core. I will listen again to the conversation between Rev. John and Rev. Anastassia moderated by Rev. Megan Foley of the UUA; they beautifully discussed how they are forming this unique arrangement to be “ministers of equal standing.” 

Members and friends remain engaged, devoting time, and talents to making UUCA a vibrant community. The music programs, building plans and upkeep, social justice, Faith Formation, the arts, and keeping the organization running are among the areas that engage us. And in all we do we continue to learn, understand, and incorporate our support of the 8th Principle to accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions. 

In our near future is our Congregational Meeting on December 6th after the service. Because there is not enough time for all to ask questions about each topic during this meeting, we have scheduled Congregational Conversations this Sunday, November 22nd, and again the following Sunday, November 29th, after the service. These Conversations provide the time for all to be informed about details of the budget, BEEC2 plans for our building, stewardship, and the Nominating Committee’s process. We also will discuss having the Congregational Meeting on Zoom. Keep updated with information about these Conversations and the Meeting on the UUCA Homepage by clicking the slider titled “Congregational Meeting Preparations.” Be Informed! Be Involved!