Congregational Conversation

This Sunday, After Hour

Heather Millar, President


We all need to prepare for our December 6th Congregational Meeting that will begin shortly after the service using Zoom. To facilitate the start of the meeting, please complete and submit the Preregistration Participation Form by clicking HERE. Because there is not enough time for all to ask questions about each topic during the meeting, we have scheduled one more Congregational Conversation this Sunday, November 29, after the service.

If you have been unable to attend an earlier Congregational Conversation and also cannot attend this Sunday, you may listen to recordings of these Conversations available on the “Congregational Meeting Preparations” slider on the UUCA Homepage; refer to this slider to keep up to date about Congregational Meeting topics and rules.

The two main topics during this December 6th meeting are approval of the 2021 Budget and an update from BEEC2. We will also receive reports from the newly commissioned Stewardship Team and the Nominating Committee and vote for seven recipients of Share The Plate. In all we do we continue to learn and incorporate our support of the 8th Principle to accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.