
What a great Celebration Sunday it was last week!  We dined, dished, and pledged.  Thank you to all of you who took part in the lunch.  Special thanks to Dianne Moreau and her crew of helpers!  They did a fantastic job.  If you have already submitted your pledge, thank you!  If you have not submitted your pledge, there is still time!  We are accepting pledges until March 26, 2023.

We will be unveiling the electronic pledge form this week.  We will also have a table set up at the back of the sanctuary/narthex area that will have pledge cards, brochures, and other useful information.   This table will be staffed by someone on the pledge team to answer your questions.  Completed pledge forms can be put in the offering baskets during service or dropped in the pledge box in the office.

Charlie Gross, our pledge core team chair, gave a wonderful testimonial about why he gives to UUCA.  The text of his speech can be found here.

We know Charlie’s WHY, now we need to hear from you!  Why do you choose to support UUCA with your financial gifts?  Let us know!

Sincerely, your Stewardship Core Team