2022 GA Is Now Complete, BUT…

By Heather Millar

This is the first of several reports/reflections we will share following the General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) just completed in Portland, Oregon, and virtually from June 22 to 26. This was my ninth GA, the third done virtually. Until this Assembly, I had noticed gradual changes in arrangements to make GA more inclusive. Arrangements this year were remarkably different and somewhat disorienting for me, disorienting but welcomed. 

GA has always been expensive, limiting participation for many. This year for the first time, there was NO registration fee for anyone who wanted to represent their congregation as a business delegate! There were 286 delegates who chose this method. Over 3000 people attended GA in all categories. This number includes 1046 onsite delegates and 1592 virtual delegates.

Another change this year was how delegates voted. Instead of taking up valuable business session time, all voting was done online after the business session was completed. A third change this year was that there were multiple gatherings on various topics prior to the start of GA on June 22.

A hugely important topic that was covered extensively prior to GA and during General Sessions is Article 2 where our principles, sources, and purposes are enumerated. This is something all UUs and those interested in Unitarian Universalism should come to understand. Look for more information about proposed changes to Article 2 in the near future.

Why is “BUT” in the title? BUT there is a lot for us to do as a result of GA 2022. Participation in Article 2 discussions and developments is just one area. The delegates approved 3 Actions for Immediate Witness. These are topics that call for UUs to study and take action. This year the approved AIWs are the following with links to each statement.

Look for more details about these and other topics as we continue to build the beloved community of our dreams.